FDM Payment Plan Agreement - The Kwak Brothers

    First Deal Mentor Program 
     Payment Plan Agreement

    Kwak Brothers Coaching, LLC DBA: First Deal Mentor (hereafter known as the “company”) has granted the undersigned person (hereinafter known as the “client”) a payment plan for the company’s programs and services with the following terms and conditions:


     I. Terms

    Price. The price of the First Deal Mentor program shall be Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000 USD).

    Decision Maker Discount: The client may be awarded a "decision maker" discount of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000 USD) if the client enrolls within seven (7 days) of being presented with the opportunity to enroll in the company's program.

    Terms. At the time of purchase, the client shall pay an initial One Thousand Eight Hundred U.S. Dollars ($1800.00 USD) deposit of the program service fee amount to the company. The remaining balance shall become due to the company in 11 separate and equal payments that are payable every Thirty (30) Calendar Days following the enrollment date. The client promises and agrees to render such payments each month without delay and without causing undue hardship for the company.

    Full Payment Discount. The client may pay the balance in full within 30 days (60 days for current and prior Accelerated Banking clients) of enrollment with a discount of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) from the remaining balance. (i.e. Should the client owe $16,200, the client may make full payment of $13,200 to satisfy the payment plan obligation)

    Access To the Program. The client shall have full access to the service following the successful initial deposit of the service fee, execution of this agreement, and execution of the client agreement. The client shall continue to have full access for the life of the program (15 Months) unless the client becomes default in accordance with Section 2 of this agreement.

    Automatic Draw. The company shall have the right to automatically draw funds from the client’s payment method when a payment amount becomes due. It shall be the client’s full responsibility to ensure that there are sufficient funds on the payment source on the due date to avoid any interruption of the client’s access to the program

    Refunds. If the client is qualified and eligible for a refund, the client shall be released from any future obligation under this agreement. 


    II . Default 

    Breach of Agreement. The client shall become or be deemed to be in default when:

    1. The client fails to make a payment when it’s due;

    2. The client’s payment method fails or rejects the automatic draw;

    3. The client does not cooperate with the company to ensure that their payment source has sufficient funds or clear for charge authorization with the client’s financial institution;

    4. And the client is not responsive to the company’s communication via email, phone call, or text messages as part of an effort to charge the card on file. 

    Reinstatement. If the client is deemed to be in default, the client shall be given Thirty (30) calendar days of a grace period to reinstate their status as good standing. Client shall be deemed to have been reinstated under the following conditions:

    1. The client has paid any late balances and/or paid the balance in full.

    2. The company has authorized a written modification to this agreement to which the client shall be subject to a new term.

    Company’s Remedy. If the client is in breach of the agreement or is deemed to be in default, the company may take the following action against the client:

    1. The company may block all client accounts and service access until the client has become “good-standing” by paying all balances that are due.

    2. The company may attempt to collect the remaining balances plus any expenses related to the collection from the client through a 3rd party debt collection agency.

    3. The company may bar the client from receiving services from the company and its affiliated organizations in the future. 

    III. General

    Governing Law. This agreement shall be interpreted and governed by the Laws of Illinois, Kane County.

    Severability. In an event that one or more clauses become unenforceable due to changes in laws and regulations, the remaining clauses shall continue to be enforced and/or within the scope of the new laws and regulations. 

    Facsimile. Any photocopy of this agreement, whether digital or printed, shall have full durable powers as the original copy of the agreement signed by both parties.

    Assignment. The company may authorize the client to assign and/or sell its position in this payment plan to another client with expressed consent from the company.

    Not A Financing Agreement. This agreement shall not be construed as the origination of any loan, an instrument of debt, or collateralization of any security. The client shall not be incurred any financing charges through interest rates, origination costs, and/or late fee penalties.

    Mediation. In an event of a dispute between the company and the client, both parties shall agree to a third-party mediation process. In good faith, both client and the company shall settle any disputes through the mediation process before any legal actions before the court of law.

    Cash Discount Available. The client acknowledges that an option of a cash discount offer of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000 USD) was presented prior to signing this agreement. The client holds the company from harm and liability in connection to the presentation of the pricing and the offer of the program



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