Hi! We're Hiring!
Current Job Openings
Marketing Director
The Kwak Brothers Media company is looking for a director positon for our marketing company. This position is a Founders Position which means that you will receive ownership of the company and a track to an official C-level position. This individual’s job and role includes the management of the current team, onboarding new clients, communicating and creating marketing strategies for our clients and their projects. The marketing director is a self-starter who sees potential opportunities, need for the creation of new positions, as well as being in-tuned to the latest marketing strategies and practices. While the marketing director may not handle the day-to-day themselves, such as building websites and editing videos, they must be familiar with the process so that they can delegate such tasks to the creative professionals. Some practical skillsets may include:
- Understanding Marketing and Sales Funnels.
- Organizational growth through marketing strategies
- Writing Marketing and Sales advertisement
- Creating a project timeline through a Kanban board
- Creating marketing workflows
- Establishing project SOP (Standard Operating Procedures)
No college degree is required but the candidate must have a strong marketing background. An ideal candidate may have been a freelancer or have worked with another Marketing Agency or similar service companies in the past.
Ideal Cultural Index Profile: Architect or an Enterpriser (High autonomy, Fast Pace, and High Logic/Ingenuity)
Ideal DISC Profile: D, iD, dI
Ideal Strength Finders Traits: Woo, Strategists, Activator, Achiever, Futuristic, Communication
Monthly Salary + Equity of the Company
Full Time Position
Requirement: 20 Mile Radius Commute from Warrenville, IL
Apply Via Email: [email protected]