Free Stuff – The Kwak Brothers

Free Stuff

Free Course

Owner Financing Course

Our complimentary course to show you how we negotiate for owner financing acquisitions! Includes calculators, forms, and resources!

Millionaire Productivity Course

Our complimentary course to show you the secrets to maximize your productivity with minimum effort!

How To Raise Capital For Deals

Our complimentary course to show you how we raise private capital to fund our deals!

Free Downloads

Real Estate Investing Training Workbook

An interactive workbook to teach you how to raise money and how to structure your partner or lender so that you can profit together.

Deal Executive Summary Template

Download our deal executive summary template that we use personally to either raise capital, get approved for financing, or simply use it to impress your partners.

Passive Investors Training

Download our passive investors training guide that will show you how to create the best possible scenario for building both short and long term wealth through real estate investing!

Rental Analysis Calculator

Personally created by the Kwak Brothers, this rental calculator is designed to help you quickly analyze a potential rental property deal to see if it’s profitable or not.


Break Free From Your Mortgage

Get our free book that’ll teach you how to break free from your mortgage without refinancing, hurting your credit, or paying extra! 

0 To 75 Units In 1 Year

Get our free book that’ll teach you how to get started in real estate investing without any money or credit like the Kwak Brothers!